Mr. Churchill's Cabinet
SIR,—Mr. Churchill has no more convinced and faithful supporter than myself at the present time and for the duration of the war, but n 3 view of the general agreement that a......
Letters To The Editor
[In view of the paper shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......
Sir,—surely The Root Cause Of The Cruel Injustices...
"friendly aliens" is that iniquitous system whereby wholesale orders are issued by London to the remotest parts of England, Scotland and Wales, orders which permit no powers of......
The Aliens Scandal
Sirt,—I see with deep gratification that a review as influential as The Spectator has taken up the cause of genuine refugees who have recently been subjected to a treatment that......
Sir,—in Your Issue Of July 26th A Letter Appeared Describing
the hardships of refugees who have been interned in spite of their various medical complaints. It is widely recognised that the presence of refugees at large consti- tutes a......
The Liberals And Re-armament
Snt,—Mr. Barber states that only Mr. Winston Churchill "can claim to have warned the country to rearm." Surely this does less than justice to Sir Archibald Sinclair and his......