2 AUGUST 1940, page 13

Mr. Churchill's Cabinet

SIR,—Mr. Churchill has no more convinced and faithful supporter than myself at the present time and for the duration of the war, but n 3 view of the general agreement that a......

Sts,—dr. Edwyn Bevan Has Answered By Anticipation Colonel...

in the last number of The Spectator by pointing out the necessity for every community or society to have certain rules or Principles which its members must accept if they wish......

The Best Brains

Sts,—One of the contributors to your issue of July 26th draws atten- tion to the necessity of enlisting the best brains in the service of the country. Another speaks of Mr.......

Dogma Or Doctrine?

Sis,—Professor Mozley's contribution_ to this discussion is not very helpful. The issue before us is, shall we abandon " dogma " and teach only " doctrine " based on individual......

Britain, France And Culture

Snt,—Surely the difference between French and English culture lies far less in the extent of their diffusion than in the nature of the beasts. English culture is essentially "......

Sni,—speaking (for Once) On Behalf Of The British Army, I

say ditto to Daniel George. If I am permitted to say more, I will add that although I have never been a patient in a field hospital, I have been a soldier long enough, and am......