2 AUGUST 1940, Page 22

Evacuation Survey. By Richard Padley and Margaret Cole. (Rout- ledge.

los. 6d.)

Au. who wish to study social questions relating to children and their welfare should certainly read Evacuation Survey. The book covers the national scheme for the evacuation of children as a whole, together with its effects on local administration and special problems arising in education and family life.

Among the authorities who have contributed are Amy Sayle, Helen Bentwich, L. Haden Guest, and Lady Sanderson, and a wide range of information has been collected, with data and figures. The book is in no way dry or too technical, and its matter is presented in a human and stimulating as well as con- structive form. It was prepared during the winter and spring of 1939-1940, and has an addendum on the new scheme issued in February. Throughout, the parents' views are sympathetically dea't with, as are the economical difficulties of the scheme. Pro.'essor Paul Vaucher has contributed an interesting appendix on evacuation in France.