2 AUGUST 1940, Page 5

The subject of hospital costs might form a not unfruitful

theme for an acid pen. A friend of mine recently had a fall and cut his head. Place London, time 4 a.m.—which no doubt had financial consequences. Anyhow, a surgeon came and looked at him, gave him temporary treatment, and said he had better go to one of the great London hospitals the next day. He went, was X-rayed and stitched up. Altogether he was in the hospital, as, a paying patient, for 22 hours. The bill was L18 i 8s. The items were: X-rays, applied quite competently by a nurse, £3 3s.; surgeon's fee (to stitches), Do Los.; anaes- thetist, £2 2S.; hospital, k3 3s. The patient was not a rich man. He is poorer still now.