The Gentleman's Magazine Library. Edited by George Lawrence Gomme, F.S.A.
Manners and Customs. (Elliot Stock.)—This
volume is the first of what promises to be a very useful series. It is to give us "a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868." A vast amount of curious and interesting information is buried, so to speak, in these volumes ; and it is no small gain to have it thus revived. We have received a number of educational works and school-books from Messrs. Blackwood and Sons ; W. and R. Chambers; T. and T. Clark ; Clay and Son ; Macmillan and Co. ; Relfe Brothers; Rivingtons ; Smith, Elder, and Co. ; E. Stanford ; Swan Sonnenschein and Co. ; TrUbner and Co. ; Ward, Lock, and Co. ; Williams and Norgate ; and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
We have received :—Handbook to the Parija, by E. B. Eastwick, an addition to the excellent series of guide-books issued by Mr. Murray, and which, with the preceding three volnmea, devoted respectively to Madras, Bombay, and Bengal, completes the "Handbook of India." It is furnished with two maps.—Military Law. By Major S. C. Pratt, R.I. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Professional Papers of the Royal Engineers. Edited by Major R. A. Veitch, R.E. (Stan- ford.)—Modern French Readings. Edited by W. I. Knapp. (Ginn, Heath, and Co., Boston, U.S.)—The Course of Empire, by C. G. Wheeler (Osgood and Co., Boston, U.S.), being outlines of the chief political changes in the world (arranged by centuries), with variorum illustrations.—Register of Merchant Taylors' School, Vol. II., from 1562 to 1874. Compiled by the Rev. C. J. Robinson, M.A. (Fara- combe and Co., Lewes.)—Christian Ethics and Wise Sayings. (Nisbet and Co.)—Celebrated Musicians of All Nations, a collection of portraits, with short biographical notices, translated from the German, with an appendix for England. By M. F. S. Hervey. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—Volume II. of Weiss's Life of Christ, translated by M. G. Hope. (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh.)—Butler's Hudibras, Parts II. and edited by A. Milnes, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—Ths Prince, and other Pieces, from the Italian of Nicolo Machiavelli, with an intro- duction by Henry Morley (Routledge and Sons), an addition to " Morley's rniversal Library" series.—Catalogas Librorum in Bibliotheca Norvicensi, compiled by F. Kitten. (Goose and Co., Norwich.)—Volume III. of Present-Day Tracts. (Religious Tract Society.)—A System of Field Training, by Major C. R. Brooke. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—How to Use our Eyes, by J. Brown- ing, F.R.A.S. (Chatto and Windns), a little book which all who use spectacles or glasses should read.