Frescoes. By "oujda." (chatto And Windus.)—" Ouida " Has...
pleased to put certain novelettes into a dramatic form, and has achieved, we think, a considerable success with them. This is, of course, not more than what one might expect.......
Through The Stage Door. By Harriett Jay. 3 Vols. (f.
V. White and Co.)—We are inclined to think that this is the best, as it is cer- tainly the pleasantest, story that Miss Jay has yet given to the world. It is true that there are......
The Age Of Clay. By William Boyd-mushet, M.b. (wyman And
Sons.) —The "Age of Clay" is our own, successor, it would seem, to the age of iron, which the satirists of old supposed to have exhausted all evils,—and worse than it. Mr.......
The Gentleman's Magazine Library. Edited By George...
Manners and Customs. (Elliot Stock.)—This volume is the first of what promises to be a very useful series. It is to give us "a classified collection of the chief contents of the......
New Editions. — We Have Received :—a Cheap Illustrated...
Lays of Ancient Rome. (Longmans, Green, and Co.) — A third edition of The Book-lover's Enchiridion, by A. Ireland. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—A second edition of Records of......