Old Age And Death.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR "] Stn,—The thought which Mrs. Oliphant draws out so strikingly in" Old Lady Mary," namely, that old age, after a certain period, when all the......
The Farmers And Foot-and-mouth Disease [to The Editor Of Thz
svacznea."-] Sim—As a very earnest and, as I hope, very thorough supporter - of the present Government, I am most anxious that it should , accede, without delay, to the moderate......
The Scotch Question.
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] 45114—Don't believe what people write you about this or that infinitesimal thing being the cause of Scottish discontent. 4 ' Well may they......
TO WORDSWORTH. POET, whose footsteps trod, the mystic ways That lead through common things to Nature's shrine ; Whose heart throbbed rhythmic to the heart divine 'That bird,......
E AIERSON.* THE various excellent editions of Emerson's works which are now appearing in this country,—of which Messrs. Macmillan's is probably the most taking, if only for Mr.......