Current Literature.
Egypt after the War. By Villiers Stuart, M.P. (John Murray.) —If Mr. Stuart had taken more time about his book, he could have shortened it and arranged it better, and thereby......
Mr. Barratt On External Realities.*
inns book is the work of an ingenious butsomewhat fanciful mind. It professes to deal with what philosophers call the "noumenal" world—the unknown cause of the phenomenal—upon......
Wallace's Description Of Orkney. (w. Brown.)—mr. James...
of Lady Kirk, in Orkney ; thence he was translated to Kirkwall, in 1672. He wrote this description of the islands, their history, and the natural phenomena which they present,......
Hints On Business, Financial And Legal, By R. Denny Urlin
(Sattaby and Co.), is a little book which covers a considerable part of human life. How you should and how you should not invest your money (" good names" on the prospectus of a......
Recollections Of A Literary Life. By Mary Russell...
and Son.)—This is a reprint from the original edition of 1851. The title, as Miss Mitford says in her preface, gives a very imperfect idea of the contents of the book. There are......
Victoria, Queen Of England. By Grace Greenwood. (sampson...
Co.)—Most English readers will be already acquainted with the contents of this volume, which was naturally written, in the first place, for the American public. Still, it will......
The Principles Of Logic. By F. H. Bradley. (kagan Pau},
Trench, and Co.)—If- Mr. Bradley will use pepper for pounce, he must not be surprised if he irritates his readers. The public has very likely irri- tated him, for they still......