The Pope has appointed Monsignor Persia., formerly Vicar- Apostolic of
Hindoatan, a man of rare ability, and one of the most trusted agents of the Holy See in difficult affairs, his Apos- tolic Delegate to Ireland. He is sent there to inquire and report whether the local Bishops have or have not been too tolerant to revolutionary principles. It was reported on Tuesday that, in consequence of remonstrances from Cardinal Manning and Arch- bishop Walsh, the journey of the Delegate had been postponed ; and on Wednesday, that upon despatches from Monsignor Raffo &ills, the Papal Envoy to the Queen, the journey had been resumed. It is certain that Monsignor Persico is on his way to Dublin. Both the Cardinal and the Archbishop deny the remon- strances absolutely, but it is not likely that they approve what is virtually a Commission of Inquiry into their policy. The Cardinal, in fact, is so vexed that, not being able to scold the Holy Chair, he scolds the Times in a letter, and asks what is he called a " Separatist " for ? Just because he is one in the judgment of those who use the word. We should not use it about him, because we are aware that, as Separation would destroy the influence of Catholicism throughout the Empire, it must be peculiarly offensive to him ; but every one is not so considerate. If Cardinals will join parties, Cardinals must expect to be treated as partisans, even to the endurance of partisan nick-names.