The Girl In The Brown Habit. By Mrs. Edward Kennard.
3 vole. (F. V. White.)—Mrs. E. Kennard gives us one of her customary mixtures of sport and love. The sport seems to be of much the same quality as usual ; the love-story is......
Current Literature.
We have three volumes of the " Classical Series" (Macmillan and Co.) to notice, and we are glad to be able to speak in prairie of all. The Metamorphoses of Ovid, 3111.-XIV.,......
The "salve Regina." By Father Antony Denis, S.j. (il H.
Gill and Co.)—It is commonly our practice not to criticise books of devotion ; but there is a theological importance about the one now before us which makes us say a few words......
Cycling. By Viscount Bury And G. Lacy Hillier....
is the new volume of "The Badminton Library," to which it should be a welcome addition. " Cycling " is, as Professor Huxley remarked, the most important addition to the......
Nature. In Scottish Poetry.•
Now that Thomas Aird and John Campbell Shairp are gone, Professor Veitch, of Glasgow, is, with the possible exception of Professor Knight, of St. Andrews, the leading Scotch......