The Importance Of This Struggle, As We Have Explained Else-
where, consists in its bearing on the English political position. Lord Salisbury could carry the Convention at once by promising armed support to the Sultan ; but will......
The Pope Has Appointed Monsignor Persia., Formerly Vicar-...
Hindoatan, a man of rare ability, and one of the most trusted agents of the Holy See in difficult affairs, his Apos- tolic Delegate to Ireland. He is sent there to inquire and......
News Of The Week.
HE Crimes Bill has advanced far this week. The most im- portant amendment in the Report stage was one moved by Mr. Morley on Monday, limiting the duration of the Act to three......
• ,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any ease.......
It Is Possible That, In Spite Of The Apparent Quiet
and the high price of all securities, the Continent is upon the eve of important events. Eastern Europe is disquieted by two incidents either of which may lead to grave......
King Milan's Journey To Vienna Excites Great Interest. He...
been received with Royal honours, he has been twice closeted with the Emperor, and it is evident to those on the spot that he hesitates about something. It is believed that this......
There Is Also Unquiet Over The Anglo-turkish Convention....
supposed that this was arranged ; but at the last moment the French and Russian Governments determined to apply pressure to the Sultan. It was reported at first that this had......