The Catholic Peers.
[To on Maros or THE SPECTET01."J Sth.,—In your excellent article on "The Catholic Peers," you say that "the old rule which forbids communion in semis with heretics has......
The Co.operitive Factory Controversy. [to The Horror Or...
SIB, —Were you inclined to find space, I would not carry on the discussion with the manager of the Co-operative Wholesale Society's Boot and Shoe Factory as to the facts of the......
[to On Bunco Or Ts. Spectatobn Sie,—permit Me To Express
a hope that the discussion of the question of the " niceness" of cooked or uncooked milk will not be allowed to obscure the vast importance of the point insisted on by Dr.......
The Life Of Charles Rrade. [to The 1111)1t011 Or Tm
"113171CTAT08."] Snt—In common with every critic - who has reviewed - my memoir of Charles Reade, you give me credit for an asseveration that the relations between him and Mrs.......
Infection From Milk.
[To THE EDITOR Or THR SPROTATOR."J Sia,—At the foot of my letter which you have done me the honour to print in the Spectator for June 25th, you pat the very pertinent inquiry,......