The "Salve Regina." By Father Antony Denis, S.J. (IL H.
Gill and Co.)—It is commonly our practice not to criticise books of devotion ; but there is a theological importance about the one now before us which makes us say a few words about it. Dr. Palmy mentioned in his "Eirenicon," as one of the obstacles to union, the extravagance of the honours paid to the Virgin. We were told that the Church was not responsible for them. Accordingly, it in interesting to see what language is held by a book which is authori- tative, if the nihil obstat of two (sensors, and the imprimatur of the Primate of Ireland and the Prropositus Provintios can make it so. It is really difficult to see any distinction between the attributes of the Virgin and the attributes of Deity. Apart from what is assigned to her personally, she has, it is evident, a necessary function in the work of Redemption. "Jesus is an all-powerfal advocate with his Father, and you are all-powerful with Him," is the language of one of the prayers. And, indeed, it is positively stated throughout the book that the sinner seeking salvation should address himself to Mary, and it is implied, we cannot bat think, that he should not address himself to Christ. Here is a passage, only one out of many : —" How can Jesus possibly refuse anything to hie Mother ? Is it not a law and commandment of God that a child should honour his mother P This commandment Jesus undertook to keep always in his relations with His holy Mother When we have offended our Divine Saviour and dread the jest vengeance of Him who is to be oar Judge, we turn to his Blessed Mother." This is very bad theology ; and what is
to be said of this P—" Was not the Holy Spirit Himself ravished by the pure glances of the Immaculate Virgin, when, in the Book of Canticles, He speaks of the eyes of Mary as of the eyes of a Dove, in order to express their exceeding beauty and incomparable loving-kindness,—Oculi tui cottimbaruni, Cant. i., 15. And in the same book He adds,—. You have wounded my heart, my Sister, my Spouse, with one of your looks,' Cant. iv., 9."