Only three elections remain to be contested—in South Devon- shire,
West Yorkshire, and Leith. The return of Lord Advocate MURRAY for Leith, by a large majority, is beyond doubt ; and there is now every prospect of success for Lord JOHN RUSSELL and Lord MORPETH. We hope that the arrangements of their Committees are judicious, and that the whole Liberal strength will be brought into the field : in that case, we have no apprehension for the result.
It appears, then, that out of twenty-two members of the Liberal Administration who vacated their seats, twenty have been or are perfectly sure of being reelected. But how did the gentlemen of the "reaction "—the exclusively loyal—the supereminently holy—the haters of Popery—the polished, talented Tory Members of theWEL-
NGTON-PEEL Cabinet—fare when they appealed to the country?' Why, no fewer than eleven of those unfortunate paragons of popu- larity, with Sir GEORGE MURRAY at their head, were rejected by the constituencies to whom they offered their services, notwithstanding the resolute impudence with which they professed themselves to be the only real Reformers and the disinterested friends of the People. Are the Tories now satisfied? Do they still think the cuckoo cry of " reaction " will answer their purpose? Can they still deceive themselves with the notion that the People of Eng- land have lost the power of distinguishing between real and sham patriots, or that they are become indifferent in the cause of political amelioration ? If such is their belief, in spite of all they have seen and heard during the last few months, and especi- ally during the last few days, they must be incorrigibly blind or stupid. Had they been taken by surprise, or had they neglected to exert their means of influence, we should not think the triumph so decisive; but it cannot be denied that they have strained every nerve, that they have done their worst to annoy the Liberal Mi- nisters, and that in twenty out of twenty-two cases they have been utterly defeated.