The Only Exception To The General Tranquillity Of The...
- is the partisan warfare in the Northern provinces of Spain ; and from that quarter we have received little interesting or important intelligence during the week. It is said......
News Of The Week.
THE Liberals may fairly exult in the progress of the Elections Loud was the din of preparation for their defeat in the Tory camp Not a single member of the new Administration,......
Only Three Elections Remain To Be Contested—in South...
West Yorkshire, and Leith. The return of Lord Advocate MURRAY for Leith, by a large majority, is beyond doubt ; and there is now every prospect of success for Lord JOHN RUSSELL......
In The French Chamber Of Deputies, The' Minister's Demand Of
an additional sum of about 49,000/. for secret service money has met with considerable opposition. M. ETIENNE moved to reduce the amount by 8000/. DUPONT de l'Eure delivered a......