Rbe Si:tetra/mfg.
The Court of Common Council met on Thursday. There was a good deal of business on the paper; but none of it was transacted, owing to a violent dispute between the Lord Mayor and......
The Plague Is Spreading In Egypt. For Several Months It
was confined to the city of Alexandria, but it is now making ravages in all directions.......
In The Consistory Court, On Tuesday, Dr. Lushington...
in the cause of Chick and Chick, otherwise Chick and Ramsden, in which the office of Judge was promoted against the par- ties, Mr. Chick having married the sister of his former......
In The French Chamber Of Deputies, The' Minister's Demand Of
an additional sum of about 49,000/. for secret service money has met with considerable opposition. M. ETIENNE moved to reduce the amount by 8000/. DUPONT de l'Eure delivered a......
Ebt , Court.
THE King, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, left Windsor Castle, where be spent the early part of the week, on Wednesday morning, and arrived at St. James's Palace about noon. His......