ebt , Court.
THE King, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, left Windsor Castle, where be spent the early part of the week, on Wednesday morning, and arrived at St. James's Palace about noon. His Majesty was received at the Palace by the Duke of Cumberland and the Dutchess of Gloucester.
The usual Levee was held soon after the King's arrival. The Earl of Verulam and Lord Ernest Bruce resigned their keys as Lords of the Bedchamber, and Viscount Torrington kissed bands on his appoint- ment to a Bedchamber Lordship. The Marquis of Conyngliain was presented to the King as Postmaster. General, Mr. Cutler Fergusson as Judge-Advocate, and Captain Elliot as a Lord of the Admiralty.
A variety of addresses expressive of confidence in the late and pre- sent Administrations were presented to the King ; who, after giving audiences to Lords Melbourne, Palmerston, Albemarle, Granville, Ashburton, Errol, and Wilton, left town for Windsor.
The Drawing. room, which was to have been held on Thursday, is postponed again to Thursday the 14th of May. The Queen has been suffering from an attack of the influenza.