Pictures And Artists.
EXHIBITION OF THE SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOLIRFI PALL MALL EAST. Tars is the most universally popular picture-exhibition of any; and deservedly so, for it contains fewer......
England, Ireland, And America.
THE author of this pamphlet is a person of good common sense, and of rational though somewhat limited views, which have de- rived little benefit from scientific culture. His......
Mr. Laurance's Geology In 1835, Is An Amusing, Though Not
a striking book ; and contains a good deal of information in a small compass, though it be not arranged in the most scientific or orderly manner. The ambitious object of the......
Dr Russell's Barbary.
THE last number of the Edinburgh Cabinet Library maintains the high reputation of the series. Dr. Russian's History and Present Condition of the Barbary States, is not only a......
Mudie's Heavens.
MR. Munts's new publication, The Heavens, is not equal in in- terest to some of his former works. The source of this privation is twofold. Instead of allowing the wonders of......