Sir William Gossett has been removed from the post of Private Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant ; but it is not true, as stated in the Evening Moil, and copied into the English I toy papers, that Lieu- tenant Drummond ( Lord Brougham's agent) has been appointed his successor. We are glad that Sir William Gosscrt has been dismissed : he was equally ready to serve under the Tory Lord lladdington as the Liberal Lord Anglesea, and such men will not de ter the times we live ill.
It is perfectly true that a request has been preferred to Lord Plunkett, by Sir Edward Sugden, the drift of which was. that his Lordship would be pleased to retain Mr. Scriven, the Seco try of the Bankrupts, in his office. Now, upon the recentforay of thin 1 ories across the border, one of the first things the said Sir Edwaid Snialen did was to displace the son of Lord Plunkett, and to thrust a t oosei vative into his place. We have heard the letter of Sir Edward deseri bud as a very pretty letter; but really it required not only great elegance of diction, but some effrontery of purpose, to tender such a request I .ord Plunkett, of course, returned a proper and civil reply.—Dt4!in Evening Post.