2 MAY 1835, Page 8


Arrived-At Gravesend. April 28th, Theodosia. Ryan, from Mauritius; and Minerra, Robertson, from Singapo:e. At Deal, 28th, Duke of Ileilferd. Bowen. from ileugal; and Malabar. Tucker, from Bombay. Off the Start, 25th, lediau, Cook, from Batavia. At Bristol, 26th, William Rodger, Crawford, km China. At St. Helena, Feb. '22d, Cacique. Pulliam : and 25th, Porcupine, Laing, from Londoa ; March 1st. Brothers, l'owna. from China ; 31, Irt, llooaless. !loan Bengal ; Lord W. Bentinek, Thompson. Maniiila; and G‘orier. Sinclair, from Mauritius ; 4111. Morley, Douglas, from Ceylon ; Orissa, Rogers. from Sin :awn, ; and Cornwall. Bell, from Bengal ; 5th, Duke of Bin- cleugh, Henning, from ditto ; and 7th, Marquis !Listings, Clarkson, from Bombay. At time Cape. Feb. 2.1, LoelainI, Alillors, from Leith; 4th, Sir C. M'Carthy, Walker ; 5t11, lnivid Clark, Eayne ; and Dublio Packet, 111•Neill, from Loudott; 20th. Hero of Ma- loon, Smith, from Bombay ; lsaIc1i. It ubiuson. from Chiron; and John Woodall, --. front lienaal. At Bengal, Dee. 6Et, Fairy Queen, Snipe; 29th, Magnet, al•alinn ;and Jan. 2d, Euphrates, Hannah, from Liverpool.

Sailed- From Gravesend, April 25th. True Briton. Ford. for Madras ; 26th, Royal George, Wilson, Sr liNnbay ; 27th, The Grenville, Thornhill. for M tilts; ;and :30th, Canton, Pot len New South Wales. From Liverpool, 27th. Cassioro, arGowan, for Maurititss. John 13agshaw, Hardy, for Bengal; Trio, White, for Singapore; Parsee, M•Kellar, for Bombay. Arrived-Off Penzance, Cornwall, Bell, from Bengal. and