2 MAY 1891, Page 1


THE rebellion in Muneepore is over, the three columns from Bengal, Burmah, and Assam all reaching the capital, the proper name of which is Imphal, on Sunday, April 26th. Only one of the columns, that from Burmah, was -resisted, a thousand Muneeporee soldiers having thrown themselves into an earthwork surrounded by marshes, with only one road out. The position was carried, after some stubborn fighting, by Captain Drury, and "very few of the enemy escaped.” The avenging columns found the city -deserted, the inhabitants having slunk away into the neigh- bouring villages, while the Regent, the Commander-in-Chief, the Prime Minister, and the soldiers had fled to the Kuki Trills. The magazine had been blown up, and the Palace had been wrecked so completely that nothing was found within it except the heads of the murdered English officers, placed there probably on purpose, as an insult to the victorious foe. No European life has been lost in the entire combined movement, though one or two officers have been wounded, among them, we regret to see, Lieutenant Grant, who so gallantly defended Thobal. The eptire operation was evidently arranged with great skill, and though on a small scale, involved great diffi- culties, arising from the want of roads, the absence of maga- zines, and the difficult nature of the country, in which one thoroughly disciplined regiment could have stopped an army. There is no probability of any further resistance, the decision of the sword being always accepted in India as evidence of -the decision of the unknown Power ; and as soon as the form of government is settled, the valley will sink into quiet for a generation, during which, as it is nearly twice the size of Yorkshire and singularly fertile, it will become very rich.