The Bishop Of Rochester (dr. Randall Davidson), However...
be his strenuousness for Anglican dogma, is certainly bent in good earnest on hearty spiritual work. He has taken up. his residence in Kennington, and is intent on following the......
The Result Of The Whitehaven Election Was Another...
for though there was no gain of a seat, the Unionist, Sir James Bain, polled considerably more votes than Mr. Cavendish Bentinck in 1886, and two more even than the- same......
The Chief Political Topic Of The Week Has Been, Of
course, Free Education, Mr. Haworth, who often represents the more advanced Conservatives, has in this instance taken up the cud g els for the reluctant Tories, and commenced in......
One Of The Best Signs, However, For The Presumption That
the modern Tories will resign themselves to Free Education without much murmuring, is the Duke of Norfolk's very sensible speech at the Dulwich and Penge Conservative and......
Mr. Chamberlain, Speaking Yesterday Week At The Ellen...
School, Birmingham, assured the Daily News that to attack and undermine denominational schools had now become a, sheer impossibility, since it would cost the nation fifty......
Lord Derby, Who Is Not Likely To Lend His Sanction
to socialistic principles, has written a letter approving the resolve of the Government to find the funds for Free Educa- tion. And Sir E. Birkbeck (Conservative M.P. for East......
The Influenza Is Spreading Rapidly In London, But Is Worst
in Yorkshire, where it has made havoc in Sheffield as well as in many of the Eastern towns and villages. In Sheffield there were fifty-five deaths in one week from it, and the......
The House Of Laymen In The Province Of Canterbury On
Tuesday held a rather shrewd discussion on the Clergy Dis- cipline Bill, and its supposed Erastia,nism in letting a Civil Court deprive an incumbent by its sentence ipso facto,......