Prince Bismarck Has, It Is Believed, Been Elected For...
The figures are not yet all made up, but it seems certain that he has beaten his Socialist rival by about eight to five. He will not, it is stated, attend the Reichstag......
The Official Census Of The Coloured People In The United
States reveals some remarkable facts. The compilers declare that the widespread fears as to the Negro rate of increase are illusory. Even in the " 131ack Belt "—that is, the......
The Persecution Of The Jews Continues In Russia, And...
They are now forbidden to live in Moscow or Kieft or to practise their usual trades in any of the cities of Old Russia. They are, in fact, being pressed towards the Polish......
Blow This Week. Mr. John Ellis On Tuesday Moved A
resolu- tion in the Commons in favour of a reduction in the number of licensed houses, and of allowing the locality to decide on the expediency of such reduction,—both,......
Mr. Rowlands's Bill For The Enfranchisement Of...
any lessee of a house for twenty years to buy the freehold at a price to be fixed by the County Court, was defeated on Wednesday by 181 to 168. It was met by the Government with......
There Was A Regular Battle At Thurles On Sunday Between
the Parnellites and the friends of Archbishop Croke. The latter were indignant that Mr. Parnell should hold a meeting under the very eyes of the Archbishop, and swarmed into the......
Sir Henry James, Who Detests The Proposal For Giving Votes
to women as much as he detests the intervention of sacerdotal influence in political affairs, defeated the proposal to keep Wednesday, May 13th, for Mr. Woodall's Female......
Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent.