Michael Drayton Versus His Critic.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In an interesting article on "English War-Songs" in Macmillan's Magazine for May, Mr. Saintsbury gives the praise it richly merits to......
Count Von Moltke.
rTo THE ICDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR:1 Sin—Quotations, apposite and inapposite, have abounded in connection with the life, death, and character of Count von Moltke. May I add yet......
Irish Priests In Politics.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The remarkable and eminently fair article in the Spectator of the 18th inst. on the political power of the priesthood in Ireland, is......
THE ROYAL ACADEMY. [FIRST NOTICE.] IN this short note of a first impression, it is proposed to ignore the tiresome freaks of the average Academician, the huge depressing......