Now that the Palestine question is before the United Nations,
of which the United States is a prominent member, it is not unreason- able that Americans, both official and unofficial, should refrain from action deliberately designed to increase the difficulties of the British administration in Palestine at this critical time. It was stated in the House of Commons on Tuesday that representations were being made to the American Government regarding a body known as the American League for a Free Palestine, which is making a drive to obtain funds to promote Jewish terrorism and illegal immigration into Palestine. The Manchester Guardian has drawn opportune attention to the fact that while Mr. Henry Wallace in England was eloquent in his admiration for the British people generally, his paper, the New Republic, was publishing full-page advertisements of " The Palestine Resistance Committee " and " Political Action Committee for Palestine," both soliciting funds, the latter to finance illegal immi- gration into Palestine, the former to " help a relentless fighting force march on to liberation." U.N.O. itself might well consider the issues raised by the free advocacy in the territory of one of its members of armed rebellion against another of its members.
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