Water V. Soil
Water-culture is g oin g ahead at a surprisin g rate, even in En g land, as well as in the ¶Jnited States. Experiments on a considerable scale are bein g carried throu g h at......
Bach's Virtuosity
Snt,—Apropos of Mr. Cooper's article on Bach, is it not rather an aspersion on all that we know about Bach's clear, honest and simple character to suggest that all he wanted to......
In My Garden
A detail of the art of succession, which I saw last week at the H.Q. of cloche cultivation (The Gran g e, Chertsey), filled me with envy. Under lon g lines of cloches,......
Frost Victims
Doubtless the hard-hearted member who ur g ed its destruction will be deli g hted to know that the frost and snow of February and March were on his side. An ac q uaintance of......
Country Life
THE golden a g e is doubtless a myth, thou g h some rural critics continually wish us to return to it. However, the villa g er of that misty period was doubtless better off in......
Threats To Agriculture
SIR,—Professor Trevelyan's English Social History contains jud g ements on the repeal of the Corn Laws which ou g ht to be compared with his remarks on the same subject it, some......
A Threat To Winchelsea
Sm,—Winchelsea is our herita g e from the days of the first Edward. Its hill-top site and lay-out in s q uares make it a notable example of thir- teenth-century town-planning.......
Sir, —for Several Years It Has Been Difficult To Buy...
Fewer rabbits have been shot. We, in company with other farmers, could spare very little time for ferretin g . Rabbits increased, but not alarmingly. Last May our nei g hbour......
The Steel-toothed Trap
SIR,—In the extreme West Country, the very districts where the steel trap is most in use are the very districts where rabbits most abound—and continue to abound.—Yours......
A Merry Bird
That merry and pictorial bird, the g reen woodpecker or yaffle, was accused a few weeks a g o of attackin g Kentish bee-hives. A little later a Kentish M.P. had the hardihood to......