Two Years In Bengal
An Australian in India. By R. G. Casey. (Hollis'and Carter. 3s. 6d.) MR. CASEY was Governor of Bengal for two years from January, 1944. His foreword to this little book of 12o......
Shorter Notices
The Stock Exchange. By Harold Wincott. (Sampson Low. 4s. 6d.) As Editor of the Investors' Chronicle Mr. Wincott knows both all there is to know about the Stock Exchange and how......
Book Notes
ONE of the more ambitious of the post-war publishing projects has just been announced by Eyre and Spottiswoode. It is a series of twelve Volumes, entitled English Historical......
Sainte Conine. By Gabriel Chevallier. Translated from the French by Jocelyn Godefroi. (Seeker and Warburg. 10s. 6d.) Mally Lee. By Elizabeth Kyle. (Peter Davies. 9s. 64.) The......