Bach's Virtuosity
Snt,—Apropos of Mr. Cooper's article on Bach, is it not rather an aspersion on all that we know about Bach's clear, honest and simple character to suggest that all he wanted to......
Leasehold Statues
SIR,—Janus in his remarks upon the Trafalgar Square statue of Gordon writes: " Some London effigies might well be replaced." ,How un- deniably true! But the question that occurs......
A Flower And A Symbol
Sift,—I was most interested to read the short article by Sir W. Beach Thomas in the Country Life section of your issue dated February 14th entitled A Soldier's Nickname, and......
The Classics
SIR, —Is not Mr. Harold Nicolson taking Ben Jonson's description of Shakespeare's classical equipment—" small Latin and less Greek "—a little too seriously? Small is a......
Britain On The Air
Sist,—In your issue dated. April 18th you published an interesting letter from two correspondents in Ceylon criticising amongother manifesta- tions of British culture and the......