ON Monday, the restaurant of M. Very, where Ravachol was so cleverly detected and arrested, was utterly wrecked by the explosion of a bomb. M. Very had been repeatedly threatened by the Anarchists, and his house was therefore guarded ; but in spite of this, some Anarchist, willing to run any risk in the hope of intimidating the jury, managed to get a bomb into the basement, probably through the grating. The force of the explosion was terrific. M. Very's leg was broken in such away as to require amputation, and he now lies in great peril. His granddaughter was also hurt, and two ladies who lived in the rooms over the restaurant were badly shaken. M. Very's wife, though unhurt, lost her reason from the shock. Two other persons, making five in all, were also injured. The consternation caused in Paris by the outrage was very great, people being horrified to find that the Anarchists have in reality the power of exacting vengeance, and that, even when forewarned, the authorities cannot stop the bomb- throwing. In all probability, however, the alarm is exag- gerated. The Anarchists are using up the bombs they still have, but it is very doubtful whether the increased vigilance of the police will not prevent them from manufacturing a further supply. Every corner of France is being searched for bombe and explosives, and hardly a cupboard is left unvisited.