On Tuesday Night, The Postmaster-general, During A Debate...
resolution moved by Sir E. Birkbeck, announced that it was the intention of the Government to connect telephonically all the Coastguard stations in the South of England,—namely,......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Qopsole Od Were On
Friday 961 — 961.......
On Sunday Last, The First Mass Meeting Of London Clerks
of all grades was held at the Reformers' Tree, by the Clerks' Unions. The speakers asked for higher wages, less hours, and better sanitary conditions. They did not wish to......
On Tuesday, The Dominion House Of Commons Discussed A Motion
declaring that as soon as Great Britain favours Canadian goods, Canada will give a preference to those of Great Britain. Great Britain, said its supporters, was the natural......
Dr. Pye Smith, One Of The Ablest Of Our Physicians,
has been asserting, in a lecture delivered at the Royal College of Physicians on March 31st, that we do not, in the medical meaning of the phrase, live faster than our fathers;......
Dr. Joseph Parker, Writing To Monday's Times, Complains...
the annoyance of being consulted on all sorts of subjects by all sorts of correspondents with whom he has no acquaintance at all. A stranger writes to him for noteq to guide him......
The Death Of Sir Lewis Pelly, At The Age Of
sixty-seven, terminates the career of one of the many Indian soldiers who have distinguished themselves as political agents, and to some extent as interpreters of Eastern......
Mr. Gladstone Has Not Much Influence With His Own Left
wing. It was pathetic on Thursday night to watch him trying to per- suade Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Lloyd Morgan, and the rest of the Welsh irreconcilables on Church questions,......
Mr. Chaplin Seems To Have Made A Practical Success Of
the Board of Agriculture, if we may judge by his own account of his achievements in suppressing foot-and-mouth disease. He said yesterday week, at Donington, to his constituents......