30 APRIL 1892, page 17

News Of The Week.

O N Monday, the restaurant of M. Very, where Ravachol was so cleverly detected and arrested, was utterly wrecked by the explosion of a bomb. M. Very had been repeatedly......

The Duke Of Devonshire Delivered A Very Powerful Speech To

a great Unionist meeting in the Drill Hall at Derby, last Monday, in answer to an address from the Derby Liberal Unionist Association. Of the most important of the argu- ments......

No. 3,331.] Week Ending Saturday, April 30, 1892. [ Re ;...

ETV. ; ett......


The Ravachol Trial, Which Began In Paris On Tuesday, Ended

at 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning—the Court having sat continuously, except for two short adjournments—in a verdict of " Not guilty " in the case of the prisoners Beala, Chan-......

On Wednesday, Mowbray And Nicholl Were Committed For...

Bow Street by Mr. Vaughan on the charge of " soliciting and inciting," in the Commonweal, certain persons unknown to murder Mr. Matthews, Sir Henry Hawkins, and Inspector......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
