Two Happy Years In Ceylon.* It Is Always Pleasant To
meet with a new work by Miss Gordon-Cumming. She is a writer of established reputation, and her pages are no less valuable for the information they embody, than they are......
Linguistic And Oriental Essays, 1847 - 1890. Third...
Robert Needham Cust, LL.D. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— This volume, one of " Triibner's Oriental Series," completes, if we are so to understand the motto, Vocat labor......
Stanford's Handy Atlas Of Modern Geography (e. Stanford)...
thirty excellent maps. It is convenient in form, being scarcely larger than a large octavo, but giving space for fair-sized maps by allowing to each a double page. — Th,acker's......
The English Catalogue Of Books. Vol. Iv., January, 1881 —...
1889. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—This volume contains a list of " works published in the United Kingdom, and of the principal works published in America," during a period,......
Church Plate Of Wilts. By J. E. Nightingale. (brown And
Co., Salisbury.)—Some time ago Mr. Nightingale published an account of the Church Plate in the County of Dorset, the work having been suggested by the Bishop of Salisbury, who......
Current Literature.
On Lonely Shores, and other Rhymes. By James Leigh Joynes. (Printed for the Author at the Chiswick Press.)—This small and beautifully printed volume contains several poems......
The Blue Pavilions. By " Q." (cassell And Co.)—the "
blue pavilions " from which the story takes its title, are the neighbouring dwellings of two sea-captains. They are rivals for the hand of a certain lady, and then, she dying......
We Have Received The School Calendar And Handbook Of Exami-
ft-ail:Ms and Open Scholarships, 1892. With a Preface by F. Storr. (Whittaker and Co.)—Mr. Storr is, we take it, adverse to compulsory Greek, but very properly hopes that "the......