30 APRIL 1892, Page 19

Mr. Chaplin seems to have made a practical success of

the Board of Agriculture, if we may judge by his own account of his achievements in suppressing foot-and-mouth disease. He said yesterday week, at Donington, to his constituents in the Sleaford Division of Lincolnshire, that the loss due to the last outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, in 1880, was not less than three millions of money; and that in the eleventh week of that epidemic there were no leas than 338 separate out- breaks. This year, in the eleventh week of the epidemic, there were only five separate outbreaks of the disease, and he attributes the comparative success in suppressing it to the prompt measures taken by the Board of which he is the chief. As his estimates for the expense of the Board this year are only £53,710, we hope that he may be saving the country from a great deal of loss. He is certainly an energetic Minister.