Sra,—According to a paragraph in the Times of April 25th, the Negroes of America are said to be organising a "move- ment "—whether peaceable or warlike, does not appear—to "protest against `white' injustice." May I be allowed, as one who has lived in the States for a number of years, to attempt some sort of explanation of the matter P
According to Southern " Whites," and all " Democrats," Negro franchise—that is, the exercise of it—means Negro rule ; and this they are determined to resist. I shall be told that a majority vote of any particular "body "—such as the " Labour vote " in Victoria—does not of necessity involve majority rule for the party concerned. My answer is : In some States the Negro voters are in a great majority, and would, if permitted to vote " fairly," in every case " vote solid" for the " coloured candidate," as against any and every " white " one.
Perhaps we can find a parallel nearer home. An Irish con- stituency would " vote solid " for an Irish candidate against any and every " English Gladstonian," not excepting Mr. Gladstone himself. Further, if the Southern " Whites" are bound to submit to " the will of the majority," then the Unionists of Ulster are equally bound to submit to the will of a (Fenian) majority in the "National" Parliament at Dublin —when constituted. The "Fenian" is less hateful to the " Unionist " than is the " nigger " to the Southern " white.' The Southern " white " has had experience of " nigger rule" during the " reconstruction era," and will resist at any cost a repetition of it. Can any English or Irish " Unionist ' blame him for it P One word in conclusion. This is not the place to discuss morality—or its opposite. But the principal cause of "white injustice," lynching, and "race-hatred" on both sides, is the brutal, reckless, unconquerable " bestiality " of the Negroes, uneducated and half-educated,—" immorality " is altogether too mild a word. Is it any wonder that the Southerner will not submit to "nigger rule "P—I am, Sir, &c., F. W. GREY.