30 DECEMBER 1899, Page 15



SIR,—In your article in the Spectator of December 23rd on "The Two Irelands," you "hope to see an increasingly large proportion of Irish Unionists more heartily identifying them- selves with the interests and the life of Ireland." The teach- ing of the past quarter of a century is not very encouraging to them. There are many men who, like myself, live at home, give a great deal of employment (more than they can afford), give their labourers good houses and look after them gener- ally, attend Petty Sessions, Boards of Guardians, &c., sub- scribe to and take an active part in managing hospitals, charities, schools, &c., and—cui bono ? Personally I have not suffered much from the Laud Courts, I suppose because my land was let at low rents, yet my property has been taken from me; I have a mere rent charge. If I want to take up a farm at the end of a lease I must bay it. Tenants can sell their " interest " in their holdings, and often obtain large prices, even where there are no improvements, but perhaps serious deteriorations, so the new tenant pays a rack-rent,— for the interest of the price paid mast be added to the rent. There are happily a great many men whose motto is "Fain ce que dois, advienne que pourra," but in Ireland honesty is not the best policy, and loyalty does not pay.—I am, Sir, &c.,