The Two Irelands.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article in the Spectator of December 23rd on "The Two Irelands," you "hope to see an increasingly large proportion of Irish......
Shields In War.-4. Suggestion. [to The Editor Of The...
Sin,—In our war with the Boers the one thing at present wanted is some mode of protecting our soldiers in their advance to the attack; and I beg to suggest a resort to the old......
France And The War. [to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR,—I read in the Spectator of December 16th that "the French shriek with exultation, and seem really to believe that the hour of downfall for their 'hereditary enemy' has at......
"i Have The Order In My Pocket." (to The Editor
OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The above remark was made by Sir Thomas Brisbane in the West Indies while serving as a young officer under Sir Ralph Abercromby. Sir Thomas at the time......
A Day Of Humiliation. [to The Editor Of The "spectator."
SIR,—Is it any wonder that with all our blood-guiltiness, pro- fessing as we do to be a Christian nation, the Almighty should allow calamities and chastisement to fall upon us,......
The Fourth Sunday In Advent.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The attitude of a large portion of the British Press at the present moment recalls painfully that of Mrs. Quickly in Henry V, Act 2,......