30 DECEMBER 1899, page 3

We Desire To Draw Special Attention To An Article On

the subject of " Rifle Ranges and Rifle Clubs" which appears in another column. We urge the formation of rifle clubs not out of rivalry to the Volunteers, or because we think......

The Death Of Mr. D. L. Moody, The Famous American

evangelical preacher, was also announced last Saturday. Born at Northfield, Massachusetts, in 1837, he began life as a farm labourer, was engaged for a time as an assistant in a......

A Serious Landslip, Attended With Loss Of Life And Great

damage to property, occurred at Amalfi yesterday week. Premonitory earth tremors had alarmed the peasants, and the guests in one of the hotels had been warned on the morn- ing......

Mr. Treloar Sends A Most Apposite Quotation To Wed- Nesday's

Times. It appears that in 1810 the public very strongly blamed Sir Arthur Wellesley for his conduct of the war in the Peninsula. The Court of Common Council even petitioned the......

We Record With Deep Regret The Death, After A Short

illness, of the Duke of Westminster in his seventy-fifth year. Born in 1825, and educated at Eton and Balliol, he sat for Chester for twenty-one years before succeeding to the......

We Note With Indignation The Attempt To Make A Dead

set against Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, and to lay the blame of our want of military preparation on his shoulders. Even if it were true (which we think most doubtful, and which......

The Queen Has Shown Her Keen Personal Interest In Her

soldiers' families by a thoughtful and generous act. On Tuesday afternoon she gave a tea-party to a large number of the wives and children of the men serving in South Africa......

Telegrams From The Vienna Correspondent Of The Times In The

issue of this day week and of Wednesday record an in- stance of enlightened and humane intervention on the part of a Roman Catholic Bishop in Hungary. An effort having been made......

Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 991.......