The German Emperor Seems To Have Settled In His Own
mind that a new century begins on Monday, and a majority of the population of Europe will probably agree with him. The change in the designating numeral blinds them to the fact......
The News From The /dodder River Is, As Far As
it goes, satisfactory. The Boers have been working night and day at their entrenchments, and have extended them for many miles in a creseent•shaped formation, but though this......
As A Proof Of How Greatly Time Is Telling In
our favour we have only to point to Mr. Winston Churchill's review of the situation published in the second edition of Friday's Morning Post. He has penetrated the shell, and......
Of The Military Situation As A Whole We May Fairly
say that it has a little improved. No doubt there are still many ugly fea- tures. Our force3 are scattered up and down South Africa in a most unfortunate confusion. We have no......
News Of The Week.
T HE military situation has changed very little since we last wrote. One fact, however, seems to be well estab- lished, and is of the very greatest importance. Ladysmith can......
Lord Kitchener Will Not Return To Egypt After The War,
and Sir Reginald Wingate has been appointe I to fill his L e, both as Sirdar and as Governor-General of the Soudan. rd Grower's choice is a wise one, for the new Sirdar is just......
* ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......