[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Now that the Riviera is being deserted by British tourists, they might turn their steps to the Kerry Riviera without disadvantage. I see that you have been enjoying (?) from 14 to 16 degrees of frost in England. Yesterday, in the open field, within a stone's throw of the sea, I picked a mushroom (agaricus campestris) 9i in. in diame- ter, and in perfect condition. The veronicas are here in full flower, and I have Australian mimosas covered with golden flower-buds, just beginning to open to the not =frequent sun. Yet within a mile of where the mushroom grew (as the crow flies) is a magnificent hotel, with accommo- dation for seventy or eighty guests, lying absolutely empty.
—I am, Sir, &c., S. T. HEARD. Rossdohan, Tahilla, Kerry.