A good deal of excitement has been caused in Berlin
by the publication in the Lokalanzeiger of the alleged details of the secret Treaty between Great Britain and Germany in regard to the fixture disposal of the colonial possessions of Portugal. It is expected that when the Delagoa Bay award is published Portugal will be condemned to pay 21,900,000 by way of compensation. In order that she may be able to meet this demand it is asserted that Portugal will have to sell her colonial possessions to Germany and England. England will obtain the Portuguese territory in East Africa south of the Zambesi, Germany the colonies of Portugal— Timor, Goa, Daman, Macao, and Diu—in Asia. "Germany, however, will also acquire the Portuguese territory in Africa north of the Zambesi, with the exception of a zone three miles broad which Mr. Rhodes has succeeded in reserving for his railway." No mention is made of Angola in this version. The price to be paid by Germany for her share is stated to be 2.5,000,000 marks, or £1,250,000.