30 DECEMBER 1899, Page 2

The latest news from Mafeking, dated December 12th and despatched

by runner via Mochndi, shows that Colonel Baden-Powell's intrepid humour remains unimpaired by the continuance of the siege. In the war of words which alter- nates with that of bloodshed Colonel Baden-Powell never fails to "score off" his opponents. His last achievement was to despatch a proclamation to the burghers, pointing out the folly of continuing their present hopeless proceedings. "Sitting down and looking at a place was not the way to take it," and Colonel Baden-Powell urged on them the wisdom of returning home after giving up their horses, rifles, and ammunition. Those who did this within three days would be granted a free pardon, allowed to remain on their farms, and granted compensation for the stock required by the Imperial authorities in their progress through the Transvaal. They would receive instant recognition, "as their names would be taken by the secret service agent at present within the Boer lines." General Snyman, the Commandant of the investing force, appears to have been much incensed by the proclama- tion being addressed to his men as well as to himself, and Colonel Baden-Powell is no doubt proportionately exhilarated by the success of his latest squib. It would not be true to say that Colonel Baden-Powell's pen is mightier than his sword, but a joyous temper,when combined with bravery and resourcefulness, is a truly enviable equipment in a soldier.