30 DECEMBER 1899, Page 24


[01:ter Vas heading we notice such Books of the week as hare not been 'tweed for iteicw in other forms.]

The Backwater of Life. By James Payn. (Smith, Elder, and Co. Gs.)—This volume of "essays of a literary veteran" is made even more interesting by the admirable appreciation of the writer which another veteran, Mr. Leslie Stephen, has prefixed to it. It is difficult to say whether the personal or the literary papers are the better reading. The sight of the humourist when he gives us a glimpse into his chamber of suffering, but never with any unmanly complaining, is inexpressibly pathetic. How marvellous was the unfailing stream of humour which almost to the last he kept up! But perhaps Mr. Payn's editorial papers will find the most interested readers. A very large portion of mankind desires to see itself in print, and where could be found a wiser, kindlier critic and adviser than James Payn ? His counsels should smooth the path of the contributor and, yet more, of the editor.