Two books by mountaineering experts may be mentioned together. These
are From the Alps to the Andes, by Matthias Zurbriggen (T. Fisher Unwin, 10s. 6d. net), and Alpine Memories, by Emile Javelle, translated by W. H. Chesson (same publisher, 7s. 6d.) Matthias Zurbriggen is a native of Sass-Fee, in the Valais, and has achieved so great a reputation as a mountaineer that be has been taken across the world to assist in the attack on the great peaks of the East and the West, and even to New Zealand. His recollections, supplemented by information collected from other sources, will be found very interesting. Emile Javelle was a native of St. Etienne, and born in 1847. His first serious occupation was photography. Then he became a teacher, and, it would seem, an effective one. But the passion of his life was for the mountains,—first roused by an uncle who was an Alpine botanist. He died early in h;s thirty-seventh year. This volume contains a number of papers on Alpine subjects, narratives of ascents, descriptions, &c.