New Zealand's New Leaders
SIR.—Cables published in the New Zealand Press quote you as stating that the Conservative Party here does not contain men of the " calibre of Peter Fraser and Walter Nash." The party which has just been elected is the National Party not the Conservative Party. If your reference is to the National Party, then 1, as a member of that party and a son of pioneers who has lived over sixty years in New Zealand. want to say that most New Zealanders and all Nationalists are thankful for this difference in calibre. The Nationalists are mostly people who have lived their lives in this country and are imbued with a love for it, while their loyalty to His Majesty and the British Empire is undoubted. Half of our new members fought for the Empire and arc proud of it.
These characteristics were not pronounced in the leaders of the Labour Party. Their fourteen years of office have produced class hatred, greed, loafing, injustice and vindictiveness such as we have never experienced before. The feeling exists that a blight has been lifted off the country and New Zealand has been restored to New Zealanders. The new Government has brains, experience and achievement to its credit, and time will demonstrate this to those interested.—Yours faithfully,