30 DECEMBER 1949, page 15

Propaganda And The Election

SIR,—Recent debate on the question of election expenses has shed so little light on fhe subject that it is essential for the law to be clarified, and probably amended. It is......

Atomic Sleight-of-hand

S IR.—The main danger of the secluded lecture-halls of Edinburgh seems to be that they seduce the young from an ability to interpret facts. It was noticeable in the......

Sir,—you Will Agree That The Cause Of Christian Reunion Is

best served by an honest recognition of the true natures of the bodies which propose to unite, and is hindered by the perpetuation of unsound or even mis- leading ideas about......

Letters To The Editor

Christian Units• and Division sin.—in accord with your excelknt aiticle on The Spirit of Christmas, may 1 offer some comment on your paragraph, Holy Year Reflections? If we are......

A Trail Of Bran

Snt.—This episode, which illustrates some of the hazards of life in the Welfare State, may be of interest to you. My wife has suffered from arthritis for many years, and we have......