Shorter Notices
Eth‘ard Lear's Parrots. By Brian Reade. (Duckworth. 8s. 6d.) THESE charming little books contain welcome selections from the plates of two classics of bird art accompanied by......
Tito. By George Bilainkin. (williams And Norgate. Los. 6d.)
THIS book purports to supplement the biography of Tito with hitherto unpublished facts. It seems to be designed primarily for the enlightenment of a class of people who are......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS IN the past two weeks we have been treated to some rare example of official thought in our controlled financial economy. First, Mr. Dalton, who never seems to tire of......
London Calling
London Is London. Edited by D. M. Low. (Chatto and Windus. los. 6d.) Flower of Cities—A Book of London. (Max Parrish. r 8s. 6d.) A RESOUNDING poem written by William Dunbar in......
The Personal Art, An Anthology Of English Letters....
Edited by Philip Wayne. (I ongmans. i is.) This collection of letters begins with one from Dorothy Osborne in 1653 and ends with one from A. B. Ramsay to E. V. Lucas in 1932,......