Forestry Commission Staff
Sta.—In the Spectator of December 2nd, the second paragraph of " Lancastrian's " letter on " The Post Office and the Public " reveals a state of affairs in one of the older......
Propaganda And The Election
SIR,—Recent debate on the question of election expenses has shed so little light on fhe subject that it is essential for the law to be clarified, and probably amended. It is......
Rural Sheffield
SIR.-1 fear that Sir W. Beach Thomas was faintly derisive about " rural " Sheffield in the Spectator of December 16th. May I tell him that Sheffield's south-west and west......
Scotland's Claims
SIR, —I am afraid that the Duchess of Atholl has either misconstrued or overlooked my object in writing to you. However, you will, perhaps, allow me to comment briefly on her......
New Zealand's New Leaders
SIR.—Cables published in the New Zealand Press quote you as stating that the Conservative Party here does not contain men of the " calibre of Peter Fraser and Walter Nash." The......
Christmas Questions
Below are printed the answers to the Christmas Questions published in the Spectator of December 23rd:— 1. a. Gloucester Cathedral. b. Westminster Abbey. C. Bene- dictine Church......