Scotland's Claims
SIR, —I am afraid that the Duchess of Atholl has either misconstrued or overlooked my object in writing to you. However, you will, perhaps, allow me to comment briefly on her letter. Let me say at once that I, too, have never shrunk from pointing out to all and sundry the brilliant galaxy of Prime Ministers with which Scotland has blessed the Mother of Parliaments during the past sixty or seventy years. But I am concerned not with the provision of future British Prime Ministers, or even of potential members of British Cabinets, but with the welfare and efficient government of Scotland ; 'and, along with many—I will not say most— other serious Scots, I believe this can best be achieved through an indepen- dent Parliament on something after the Ulster model. Given only this, we can view an uninterrupted succession of English ?rime Ministers in the U.K- Parliament with comparative (though, of course, never with