African neighbourliness
General Idi Amin is a Moslem of the Nilotic Kakwa tribe, a Kings African Rifles veteran of the Burma campaign, a Sand- hurst chap. He wants no foreign interference and it is unlikely that either Kenya or Tan- zania will attempt any such. Relations be- tween the East African states are tug at all what they might be—have indeed gone from bad to worse ever since Obote's Uganda expelled 30,000 Kenyans and got back a telegram of congratulations from Zanzibar • which acutely embarrassed Tanzanian Presi- dent Nyerere. At this stage Kenyan dockers at Mombasa threatened to block Uganda's exports, and the Uganda currency, never much use at the best of times, but theo- retically on a par with the East African shillings of Kenya and Tanzania became (and remains) valueless outside Uganda's borders.
General Amin is going to need all the help he can get and as little as possible inter- ference.