30 JANUARY 1971, page 24

Red Exploiters

Sir: May I add a few remarks to Professor Hugh Seton-Watson's ar- ticle 'Red Exploiters' (9 January), every word of which is true? His analysis of our predicament vis-a-vis the......


Sir: I observed that you have replaced the title 'Books' and instead have started to use the title 'The Spectator Review of Books', also in the process elim- inating the small......

Comic Cuts

Sir: As the author of the recently published Men Behind Boys' Fic- tion (Hutchinson) in which I wrote a lengthy piece on the D. C. Thomson papers, I would perhaps like to......

Pure Tobacco

Sir: I was very surprised to read your leading article (9 January) recommending the banning of cig- arette smoking and putting it into the same category as opium smok- ing by......

Speaking Machines

Sir: I bring to the notice of your reviewer Anthony Kenny (9 Jan- uary) that machines do not speak. They are sometimes designed to generate a programme of sounds in imitation of......

Black Dictators

Sir: Many thanks for your splen- did leading article 'Commonwealth Moralisings' (16 January). The so- called Commonwealth is a dead duck, an irredeemably ridiculous farce and......

Britain And Vietnam

Sir: Mr Rosie (2 January) is, of course, quite right when he says that Mountbatten was sympathetic to Asian nationalism. Some people thought he was too sympathetic. But let that......

A Letter Despite . . .

Sir: Surely the advantages of the Postal workers' strike cannot go unnoticed by the critics of such affairs. I myself have not received gas, electricity or water rate bills to......

The View From The Kremlin

Sir: Mr Tibor Szamuely should be congratulated on his excellent article and penetrating analysis of the Soviet Union's foreign policy. He warns the West not to be complacent. We......